Sing Us a Song Again Ding Dong Oneyplays
(Do-dododo-dodo-do-doo!) Oney Plays! Heeeehhhh!
"With friends!"
Oney Plays is a Let's Play channel created by Irish spider web animator Chris "OneyNG" O'Neill. The channel started in 2012 as "Oney'south Video Hole," Chris' alternating business relationship for his various non-animation videos. The LP prove itself began in May 2014 as a side project, but afterwards became the aqueduct'south main focus. His near frequent recurring guests are his friends DingDong and Julian (of the game-evolution team Wan Wan Games). Other guests have included Ryan and Matt of Super Mega; Arin of Game Grumps; and his friends Corey, Niall and Zach Hadel (AKA Psychic Pebbles) from Newgrounds.
The humor in every video is silly and sometimes (well, okay, very oftentimes) borders on offensive, which is function of Chris' style. Fan consensus is usually that the videos are skilful, and that when a video is good, it'due south outstanding.
In 2018, Ding Dong and Julian appear that they were taking an indefinite hiatus from the aqueduct in order to focus on their video game company'southward start major project. Fellow Youtuber Lyle Rath, phonation actor Josh Tomar, and Psychic Pebbles have took over their spot every bit cohosts, with Lyle as an editor. Ding Dong and Julian briefly returned in November 16 2018 before leaving again a few months later due to moving out of country. In April 2021, they invitee returned temporarily due to Chris staying with them for about of Spring 2021, with the episodes featuring them appropriately titled "Oney Stays".
The channel can exist found hither. Chris
and DingDong
each have Twitter accounts, and DingDong has a Twitch business relationship
as well. At that place's also a subreddit.
Hey Tomar, what would you do if some weird internet goblin simply ran upwardly to you and started listing all these trope examples in alphabetical order?
- Aborted Arc:
- DingDong mentioned on Twitter
that Kingdom Hearts Ii, DKC 2, Pokemon Crimson, and the second Final Fantasy 7 playthrough were all halted for various reasons. But he says they program to return to those games. Kingdom Hearts Ii and Pokemon resumed subsequently those tweets were posted, and Terminal Fantasy VII came back much later on.
- Many games are never finished just because they make up one's mind to switch to a different game and either are more than interested in that or forget the previous one. The just one they made a concerned effort to actually finish one-hundred-pct is Crash Bandicoot two.
- DingDong mentioned on Twitter
- AcCENT upon the Wrong SylLABle: Zach impersonates Chris in the second Left 4 Expressionless series, asking the viewers if they want to watch him play "Caprine animal Simulay-TOR."
- Actually Pretty Funny: Doug Walker himself responded to OneyPlays maxim that he really enjoyed the jokes/impressions they made of him as a Running Gag. Subverted by Linkara, who finds them personally insulting and blames them for people calling him "The Lightbringer" based on his old webcomic.
- Adolf Hitlarious: Hitler is a semi-reoccurring joke among the Boys, most famously the "tiny Hitler clone" debate on whether it would be ethical or non to torture a six-inch tall perfect clone that has his memories. At that place's likewise the Worms map that is entirely made of bug-eyed Hitler heads that go on to go a ton of holes blown into them.
- Always a Alive Transmission: During Part fifteen of Resident Evil iii: Nemesis, Chris gives Cory a hypothetical virtually being in the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. When Cory says that he would watch Atop the 4th Wall instead of caring about the warnings, Chris says that he sees Linkara being ripped apart by zombies. Although Chris says afterwards that it'southward a special alive episode of the evidence.
- April Fools' Solar day: Averted with the series of Ouya games. It started on April 1st, but that wasn't mentioned in the videos, and information technology connected as a regular serial.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Played for laughs. Chris states that guitarist Herman Li from DragonForce decapitated his wife with a guitar string, and Lyle retorts that they shot that video and subsequently sped it up (which is a mutual criticism against Dragonforce'southward speedy music and guitar solos); that is, however the murder accusation...
- Set on! Attack... Retreat! Retreat!: In a secret level of Donkey Kong Country 2, Chris announces he'll beat the level in one go and forges alee. So he runs into an oncoming obstacle and runs away into an enemy porcupine.
- Blatant Lies:
- The second Super Mario 64 series uses a mod that changes Mario's soundbites, just DingDong insists they're playing the game commonly.
- In the kickoff episode of OneyPlays's Second Life, Oney runs into a guy who calls himself "Genesis". He makes rather outlandish claims like he played and beat Shadow the Hedgehog's supposed secret difficulty dubbed "Kiss Your Ass Good day", while also playing said supposed hugger-mugger difficulty without taking damage note There is no secret difficulty dubbed "Osculation Your Ass Bye". You can unlock the Expert difficulty by completing all levels with an A-Rank but that's it.. When Oney tells him to show him proof, "Genesis" tells him that he has a picture of him beating the underground difficulty on his phone, which was conveniently expressionless at that moment. Unlike the example above which was just DingDong's make of humor, this was most probable a genuine example of this trope. Particularly when you consider the fact that he said he never shell Shadow the Hedgehog to some other person.
- On a related annotation, he said he has a sword on Second Life that tin "fry ones reckoner" that he somehow bought from their official shop. When asked why the Second Life shop would sell a weapon that would literally destroy ones computer, Genesis Valentine attempted to Hand Wave this past proverb "They didn't know they fabricated their sword that stiff", which inadvertently raises more than questions.
- Encarmine Hilarious: Blood-splatter effects are sometimes included in videos as a joke.
- The Cameo: Danny accidentally interrupts the Sonic Take a chance 2 playthrough because he left his shoes in the recording room. Likewise the subtitles, he but has two lines heard, i saying "hi" and the other apologizing for the interruption.
- Caption Humor: Through Youtube, certain videos have full subtitles created past viewers. They're in line with the channel'due south humor.
"DingDong: Congratulations. You won ._."
- Don't Explain the Joke: In full effect during Super Mario 64. See Blatant Lies higher up.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: After the accidental introduction of a character named Horizon derails an AI Dungeon session, Tomar simply has her explode and so the Boys tin can get things back on runway. The sudden nature of her decease is fifty-fifty commented on by the AI itself.
"You smash Horizon into nothingness. Her body disintegrates into dust. You feel a little sad most it, but quickly forget nearly it."
- Foreshadowing: In the championship cards for Wild Woody, DingDong is screaming. At the end of the concluding video, he does scream, considering Chris erased all their progress by fault.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Chris is Sanguine, Ding Dong is Melancholic, Julian and Tomar are Phlegmatic, Zach and Lyle are Choleric.
- Gainax Ending: Flemish region Killer seven ends with the screen zooming in and shaking, while the first notation of the Simpsons theme plays.
- Gaslighting:
- The hosts regularly mess with each other this way, the most notable occurrence being when Chris and Lyle convinced Zach of the existence of a graphic symbol in Hercules named Herculad, a miniature clone of Hercules, despite Zach having watched Hercules himself.
- Albeit Zach has become wary of Chris due to Herculad, both Lyle and Tomar are too prone to falling to Chris' tall tales.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: Uranium Girl, who is really Pocahontas. Since the faulty capture makes her expect green, they pretend she's an alien on some other planet.
- Good Angel, Bad Affections: Taken almost literally in American Truck Simulator. Chris doesn't know how to drive; Julian attempts to go along Chris in line and prevent him from losing coin, while DingDong keeps trying to cause anarchy. Afterward, DingDong starts getting a picayune devil icon - the rabbid ears are replaced with devil horns - pops on-screen whenever he suggests Chris do something that will cause a violation.
- Halfway Plot Switch: In the middle of the Uranium Girl video (which was Disney's Pocahontas Genesis game with a broken capture), they start playing The Bang-up Waldo Search instead.
- #HashtagForLaughs: In Expressionless Rising, The boys declare November 28th to be #NationalPuhskintiDay. You lot gloat it by sharing pictures of yourself eating spaghetti while squinting.
- Hullo, [Insert Proper name Here]:
- Clitoria. Later with DingDong and Julian: mohawldi.
- Broriqe, Pokomon, Garysmod, Lil Stank and Scrimbim.
- From the second Final Fantasy Seven playthrough: Bimblor, Lambini, Beeforoni, and Pastilda8.
- Crash Bandicoot two: Cortex Strikes Back save files include "Bohij" and "Poji".
- The Hero Dies: The start run on Lord of the Rings DOS has Chris picking Sam and proceeding to impale Frodo and Pippin and take the One Band. They then go Sam killed by the Black Riders.
- Horrible Housing: The Nostalgia Critic, Linkara, and Spoony live in two different, admittedly hellish houses over the class of both Sims videos: the commencement is incredibly cramped and tiny with barely any furniture and surrounded by artificial mountains, and the second is a horrendously long and narrow maze total of industrial fans and nasty-looking light-green carpeting. Unsurprisingly, life in both homes is hilariously miserable for them.
- Hypocritical Humour:
- Chris loves to brand playful jabs at Let'south Players like Markiplier actually hamming information technology upward with their over-the-top reactions to getting scared in horror games. This does not stop him and the rest of the boys from freaking the hell out when they're scared in horror games that they play, which he's best-selling with an official compilation of such moments.
- During their first playthrough of Witch Chase, Zach and Chris joke about wanting to see a tiny hamster dancing on a stump, only to quickly modify gears and merits that it's a stupid idea that would ruin the game's dark atmosphere. After, they're suddenly brainstorming ideas to make the game funnier, such as a flute that can make the game'southward giant spiders dance when y'all play it.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: The first Banjo-Kazooie episode is named "Bobalafulla," and each additional episode adds an actress "a" to the end.
- Inherently Funny Words: The give-and-take "puskinteo" gets brought up regularly.
- Likewise, the discussion "funny" is itself this to Chris.
- "Stinky"
- "Scary"
- Joke and Receive: During their playthrough of YIIK: A Post-Mod RPG, there is a function where, after Vella has a heart-to-eye chat with Alex, the thespian is given an selection to kiss her. Chris, Dong-Dong, and Julian make jokes nearly kissing Rory, a male person party member, when he has a conversation with Alex not as well long later. To their complete surprise, at the stop of the cutscene, the game actually gives them this option, which they graciously accept.
- Kaizo Trap: Later on beating Tiny in Crash ii, Chris jumps in the air - and Crash's victory animation causes him to fall into the Bottomless Pit below.
- Permit's See YOU Practice Better!: Chris challenges DingDong to play during Pokemon Reddish when he knocks out a Nidoran DingDong wanted to catch.
- Loads and Loads of Loading: The first Shenmue video is built effectually this, as the gang makes jokes while trying to get the game to start.
- Lost Episode: The boys recorded a Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped session, just shelved it. They liked the game less than Crash two, and DingDong too had an inner ear problem. They did finish up posting a playthrough of it afterward.
- Makes Only as Much Sense in Context: If the "Take a male child" gag sounds similar information technology came out of nowhere, that's considering information technology did; Julian, previously asleep during a recording session, woke up and said it randomly. Although much of the boys' humor is around the same level of Word Salad.
- Mighty Roar: While playing Rat Simulator, Chris, Zach, and Tomar all jokingly treat the bizarre little game as a legit horror game with scary music edited in, only to exist scared for real when a dog startles them with an overly loud bawl. Minutes later, they joke about the dog and its "Ninety Decibel Bark".
- Moving the Goalposts: At the finish of Rugrats: Studio Tour, but every bit Chris has collected the nine keys required to open up the door and rescue Dil, they discover that they have to unlock some other door with twenty-5 keyholes, only one of which lets you go on. They cease playing correct at that place.
- During his Kingdom Hearts playthrough, Chris asks Julian, Ding Dong and Matt if they would torture a clone of Adolf Hitler for the existent Hitler'southward crimes. They say no, since the clone never killed anyone. Chris gain to add more details and makes information technology clear that he isn't taking no for an answer, leading to a massive argument. The debate resumes during the Banjo Kazooie playthrough. There, Chris asks Matt if he would heed if he screwed a clone of his girlfriend after the original died. A frusturated Matt finally admits that he'd be insulted, which Chris finally considers an acceptable answer.
- Naked People Are Funny:
- The thumbnails and most fan fine art depict Chris and Julian every bit naked, while DingDong merely wears a shirt.
- This applies to the rest of the bandage, with only Tomar wearing a cap.
- Nerdy Nasalness: Chris and Lyle's Linkara impression combines this with a pronounced lisp, making it one of their more amusing impressions of Channel Awesome alumni.
- Nightmare Face: 3 of the stingers to the Crash 2 episodes take these.
- Parodied with the opening art to ''Creepy Pasta Land 2." The gang all accept typical Creepypasta visual designs, but Chris' close-up face and the others' borderline-confused expressions plow it into
Nightmare Retardant.
- Parodied with the opening art to ''Creepy Pasta Land 2." The gang all accept typical Creepypasta visual designs, but Chris' close-up face and the others' borderline-confused expressions plow it into
- No Ending: The cease to The Polar Express is just a film clip they can't show, and so they're taken back to the menu.
- Non-Indicative Proper name: DingDong wonders if Flemish region Killer 7 is a Simpsons-themed copy of Killer7. It's just a shooting gallery with the show's characters instead.
- Non Sequitur, *Thud*: At the start of i Crash 2 episode, a sleep-deprived Julian says "have a boy" for no reason. Chris adopts it as the channel's slogan.
- Due north-Word Privileges: Chris says the word faggot a lot around Ding Dong and Julian... who are gay. They don't mind, though (information technology is often bleeped out with a distorted dog bawl in the later episodes).
- Once an Episode: Expect at to the lowest degree one of these at least once in most series:
- A shouting match between Chris and DingDong over something trivial. Lately becoming parodied by Chris who comes upwardly with poor ideas for debates where at that place's really no disagreement betwixt the main iii.
- With increasing prevalence, a reference to 9/11 if someone crashes into a tower.
- Chris typically making a seemingly-insensitive joke inside the showtime minute of so.
- If it'south not role of "Boney Plays", Julian will probably say "Happy Halloween, everybody, we're playing ______".
- Orphaned Serial: Their playthrough of Cuphead ended prematurely due to the footage becoming corrupted not long later on the first episode was posted. Ding Dong stated in the comments of the get-go part the game may exist revisited if there is enough interest, merely when or if that will happen is uncertain.
- Practically Joker: In "Oney Plays Games Role 1," Zach, Chris, and Lyle imagine a new Batman villain. One of the 3 pretends to be "Mr. Hansel," a villain themed later Hansel and Gretel who leaves breadcrumbs to give Batman clues near his crimes. Although this motif is similar to another Batman villain, The Riddler, the vocalization that they give Mr. Hansel is like to The Nighttime Knight'southward version of the Joker. In this animated version by Fax Jam
, Mr. Hansel is drawn to resemble the Joker in the comics, albeit with low-cal greenish skin, a green suit, and pink hair.
Batman: Y'all sound like the Joker.
Mr. Hansel: No, I'm a different guy.
Batman: You SOUND Like THE JOKER!
Mr. Hansel: I do something DIFFERENT! Shut up! - Random Events Plot: The boys create one at the end of Christmas NiGHTS by playing through the sound test.
- Rhymes on a Dime: Starting in Wild Woody, the gang would create hypothetical situations with rhyming prompts (e.g., "would yous rather have a nice tan, or talk to a homo?") DingDong eventually got tired of how often fans would repeat them.
- Rule of Funny: Zach's justification for why the paradigm of the Mattress Brothers (An one-time man and his son who shot a human being expressionless in an altercation involving a mattress) on i of his Worms custom maps was so blurry: it was funnier that way. He gave a similar justification for why he stretched out an image of the Nintendo Shitcube guy and made him look even fatter, only there was also a practical justification backside it (patching up a abysmal pit).
- Running Gag: Enough.
- Discussing Fat Albert and The Simpsons, with impersonations of characters from those shows. Also Male monarch of the Loma, Rugrats, The Nostalgia Critic, Linkara, and Family unit Guy to a lesser extent.
- Chris talking almost pouring humid milk on someone's head.
- Variations on the phrase, "What if a human being ran in and funny scream?" One of the more pop variations which is a Running Gag in itself is Zach directing his question at Tomar, ofttimes with context meant to imply the latter beingness a psychopath of some sort, equally mentioned below.
- "Dark-brown bricks," sometimes said in a nasally phonation (from Mike Matei'due south ridiculed "Minecraft with Gadget" video).
- Brown bricks. In Minecrap. In real life.
- Saying the "kiwi!" sound effect from Jumping Flash, and including the character's game model in the video.
- "You tin take a shortcut!" from Rocket Power, while screeching the word "shortcut."
- "Accept a boy."
- Julian'southward Furry side has become something of a running gag, which he tries to avoid. And fails. Also, that he wears a diaper.
- Crash Bandicoot is mentioned outside of it'southward series more any other game, to the indicate they've actually had to finish themselves and wonder why they're talking almost Crash Bandicoot while playing a completely different game.
- 9/11 comes upward often if they're ever playing a game with large buildings.
- In nearly every episode, one of the three will enquire an either completely absurd or mundane hypothetical question from 1 of the other two.
- Chris singing to the melody of "What'south this?" from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- "Did you say the n-word?"
- If a graphic symbol is running downward a corridor towards the camera, look the chase level music
from Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back to play.
- "Hey look, it'due south yous, Tomar!", followed by Chris pointing out a character in the game who usually looks absolutely naught similar him.
- Imitating Tomar'due south item vocal inflection, portraying him every bit a hyper-trigger-happy psycho, and coming up with hilariously awful scenarios for him and his wife Jaxxy (every bit they're purportedly Sickeningly Sweethearts).
- Talking about prolapses.
- Zach yelling "I'm not afraid anymore!" like a little kid when they're playing horror games.
- Zach giving male characters the most impish, infantile and unflattering voice-over he can muster.
- Chris referring to scimitars equally "schmitmars".
- Zach referring to things equally "iconic" or "classic".
- Spiral This, I'k Outta Here!:
- The finish of Rugrats: Studio Tour, when the gang finds out in that location's another door they have to collect keys for after opening the outset one.
DingDong: Uh, hey game developers...
Chris: Fuck you.
DingDong: ...nice effort!
- Chris, Zach and Tomar get and so tired of the repetitiveness of Marvel's Avengers that they become rid of it and start playing The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Devastation instead. They concluded upwardly enjoying it much more than
- Seinfeldian Conversation: A staple of Oneyplays humor is one of the boys, usually Chris or Zach, boot off some kind of hilariously bizarre or horrifying conversation that's usually merely barely related to the game they're playing at best.
- Shout-Out: One of the stingers for Crash Bandicoot two is Crash screaming after falling through a bonus round platform through the lesser of the world. The clip of the bottom of the globe and the screaming are taken from Klayman's death falling through a hole in The Neverhood.
- Sound-Effect Bleep: Whatever swears early on in the video or slurs are often censored this way, most usually using Donkey Kong sound effects
from Super Smash Bros. Melee.
- Soundtrack Racket: The DOS Lord of the Rings playthrough features descriptions of the hobbits' skulls getting cleaved set to the soothing tune of an eight-bit cover of "Concerning Hobbits"
- Special Edition Title: "Boney Plays" for the Halloween season, centered on games with Halloween or horror themes.
- "Oney Sleighs" for the Christmas season of 2016, centered on games with Christmas or winter themes.
- The Stinger: Every recent video includes one last joke at the stop, usually based on something that happened in the video.
- The Stoic: DingDong isn't as decumbent to laughing as Julian or Suddenly Shouting like Chris is. He has his moments of both, though, and fully makes up for information technology by being a Deadpan Snarker.
- Straight Gay: Ding Dong and Julian are both gay, merely aren't stereotypical in the slightest. Information technology's a more obvious with Julian, since he makes repeat mentions of being into big vitrify guys and ten foot long dicks, too as his crush on Tiny Tiger.
- Suddenly Shouting: Chris and Ding Dong are prone to this. Especially Chris.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: During their Yooka-Laylee playthrough, Julian mentions a time where he briefly wore a fursuit, and when asked how he went to the bathroom he made a flippant joke well-nigh wearing a diaper. Non even a second later he freaks out and clarifies multiple times that he was just kidding, and keeps flipping out well-nigh it when Chris jokes about it in afterwards videos. He and Ding Dong fifty-fifty acknowledge this trope, and tell Julian that he'due south not helping his case by constantly bringing up the diaper matter and losing his absurd over information technology.
- That Reminds Me of a Song
- During the Kingdom Hearts series, Chris is prompted to sing parodies of "What a Wonderful World" and "Under the Sea."
- In Yooka-Laylee, a annotate fabricated by Julian prompts Chris to sing "Through the Fire and Flames."
- Julian starts singing "The Gospel Truth" during the opening cutscene of Dark Souls after Gwyn throws his lightning commodities. It quickly devolves to a parody.
- Title Scream: DINGDONG!!! plays (with friends)!
- Unfortunate Names:
- If at that place's ever an option to rename the character, expect them to come up with the most ridiculous ones possible. For their Last Fantasy VII playthrough, Deject becomes Bimblor, Barret becomes Lambini, Tifa becomes Beeforoni, and Aerith becomes Pastilda.
- They discuss why it's and then funny in part 3 of Super Mario 64.
Julian: Why are fake names the funniest thing?
Chris: Because you imagine the life they would live.
Julian: (Laughs)
DingDong: Tommy Trousers.
- Unintentionally Unwinnable: An Ouya game they try playing called Pinball Arcade has an opening prompt saying "Printing to Start." Except it doesn't say which button to press, and none of the buttons on the controller work.
- Visual Pun: The thumbnail for the Inspector Gadget video features Gadget holding a dark-brown brick.
- Vocalism of the Legion: Done for the "with friends!" parts of the "Boney Plays" videos.
- Waxing Lyrical: Julian says he mentally follows whatever instance of "back to the past" with "to play the shitty games that suck ass." DingDong used to do information technology past following "it was all a dream" with "I used to read Discussion Up! magazine," from the vocal "Juicy."
- For a not-music example, all three of them used to instantly follow up the words "brownish" or "bricks" by doing an impression of the "brown bricks from Minecrap" meme. Information technology got then bad they had to start reminding each other to stop saying it and then much.
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: Discussed during Resident Evil 4. Chris says he would proper name his son Puskinteo Bohij O'Neill, and Julian brings up Robert Rodriguez'south sons Rebel, Rocket and Racer. DingDong also mentions Kanye West'south daughter North.
Tomar: I mean, I would probably heed to him and try not to-
Chris: I would punch him.