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Funny Thing About Waking Up Early Is Some

By: Trends Desk | New Delhi |
February 24, 2017 12:09:28 pm

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"What's the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning? Wish I hadn't." — Morrissey's quote perfectly puts across what late-risers feel when they have to force themselves out from their beds early morning. Are you from the same clan? Well, don't worry… you can share the pain with millions of others who feel the same as you do.

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The growing pressure of work life is destroying sleep cycles for most of the urban youth. To beat the stress, people either switch jobs sooner than expected or quit their jobs to travel or write! And if not that, some of them tend to flip out and make a mess out of their lives. The flurry and flutter calls for a wee bit of extra napping every day, don't you think so? And what's better than staying cozy in your warm blankets for an extra hour during the early hours of the day.

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If you're one of those who crouches and shudders at the sight of the time every morning before heading off to work, or sets your alarm clock rolling on the floor at its sound in the morning, quit your anger and treat yourself with some fun and pun! When nothing works out, humour is best medicine and here's some for you!

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AM or PM?

Technically correct!

Those sleepovers!

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What a mess!

Hate it so much!


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